0 12 minuti 2 anni

Il Manifesto del 15.10.2022

Edizione del 15 ottobre 2022 Il leghista Lorenzo Fontana eletto nuovo presidente della Camera. Integralista cattolico, omofobo, antiabortista e fan di Putin. Il Pd: «Sfregio all’Italia». La destra trova i voti in aula, ma è scontro aperto. Berlusconi: «Meloni prepotente». La replica: «Non sono ricattabile» […]

Testate Nazionali
0 5 minuti 5 anni

Venezuela street clashes and military unrest pile pressure on Maduro | World news | The Guardian

Opposition plans nationwide demonstrations on Wednesday after protests rock once-loyal working-class neighbourhoods A foiled military uprising, violent protests across the capital and planned nationwide marches led by an emboldened opposition; Venezuela’s embattled president Nicolás Maduro has survived threats to his power before, but this week […]

Latino-America Politica Estera
0 12 minuti 5 anni

Shutdown: Hundreds of IRS employees are skipping work. That could delay tax refunds. – The Washington Post

By Danielle Paquette , Lisa Rein , Jeff Stein and Kimberly Kindy Hundreds of Internal Revenue Service employees have received permission to skip work during the partial government shutdown due to financial hardship, and union leaders said Tuesday that they expected absences to surge as […]

America Politica Estera Testate Estere