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Pechino ha messo in guardia gli Stati Uniti dal creare una versione indo-pacifica della NATO e dal sostenere Taiwan

Sebbene la Cina abbia chiarito che non esiste una correlazione diretta tra Ucraina e Taiwan, rilevando che Taiwan è parte integrante della Cina, il suo silenzio sull’uso della forza da parte della Russia dovrebbe far riflettere coloro che potrebbero dubitare della volontà di Pechino di ricorrere a un’azione simile quando si tratta di difendere le proprie rivendicazioni territoriali.

Mentre gli Stati Uniti e la NATO lottano per affrontare la crisi in corso in Ucraina, il ministro degli Esteri cinese, Wang Yi, ha lanciato un avvertimento all’amministrazione Biden di non ripetere gli errori commessi in Europa tentando di creare una versione pacifica della NATO per contenere e vincolare la Cina. I commenti di Wang sono stati fatti alla sua conferenza stampa annuale mentre la Cina ha convocato l’ Assemblea nazionale del popolo , il principale organo legislativo del paese, a Pechino lunedì. Chiamando tali piani ” azioni perverse ” che ” contrariano all’aspirazione comune della regione per la pace, lo sviluppo, la cooperazione e risultati vantaggiosi per tutti”, Wang ha dichiarato che se fossero attuati dagli Stati Uniti, ” sono destinati a fallire “.

Wang also criticized the US for expanding its ties, including military cooperation and weapons sales, with Taiwan. Such policies, Wang warned, “not only push Taiwan into a precarious situation, but will also bring unbearable consequences for the US side,” adding, somewhat ominously, “Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland.”

China has made no secret about its claim to Taiwan, or its ambition to make good on that claim through any means necessary, including military force. While the prospects of any near-term military action by China against Taiwan have been viewed as remote, the Russian offensive in Ukraine has caused many observers to reconsider that position.

The Chinese concerns are not imaginary, but rather drawn from a direct reading of the guidance published by the Biden administration in the Spring of 2021. “Our democratic alliances,” President Joe Biden declared in his interim national security strategic guidance, “enable us to present a common front, produce a unified vision, and pool our strength to promote high standards, establish effective international rules, and hold countries like China to account.”

That is why we will reaffirm, invest in, and modernize the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and our alliances with Australia, Japan, and the Republic of Korea—which, along with our other global alliances and partnerships, are America’s greatest strategic asset,” he added.

A plain reading of that text clearly shows that the US was pursuing a NATO-like alliance in the Pacific solely focused on the issue of “holding China to account.” It is in this light that one must view partnerships such as the “Quad”, a military partnership between the US, Japan, India, and Australia, and the newly constituted AUKUS alliance composed of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the US. Both organizations exist solely to coordinate a military response to China’s expansive presence in the Pacific region.

Sorgente: La Cina respinge gli Stati Uniti nel Pacifico — RT World News

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