0 2 minuti 3 anni

46-year-old Zubaidi is one of Gilbou’s six breakers who managed to free themselves on September 6 2021, from Gilbou prison, a high-security Israeli prison, through a secret tunnel they had reportedly dug beneath the prison.Zubaidi is from Jenin refugee camp, imprisoned since 2019, was not sentenced, and is a former commander of Fatah’s Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.He was arrested by the Israeli occupation on Saturday dawn, along with three of his inmates, after five days of large-scale sweep operations throughout occupied Palestine using a high-tech system.The other three prisoners who were rearrested with Zubaidi are Mahmoud Arda, Yaaqob Qadri and Mohammad Arda, and all now held amid concerns of torture and human rights abuses.The Israeli court in the Nazareth on Saturday remanded the prisoners for nine days, and they are now facing a set of charges issued by the court, including jailbreak, planning an armed attack, conspiring to escape the prison, and associating with a prohibited organization, according to the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and ex-Detainees’ Affairs.

Sorgente: One of Gilbou’s six breakers transferred to hospital after being tortured by Israeli forces – Quds News Network

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