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facebook twitter flipboard mail icon messenger-dsk linkedinDimensioni di testo Aa AaIl termometro delle relazioni tra India e Pakistan fa registrare temperature sempre piu’ alte e pericolose. L’India ha compiuto un raid aereo contro un campo di addestramento di ribelli del Kashmir, in territorio pakistano.L’attacco è stato deciso in risposta all’attentato suicida del 14 febbraio rivendicato dal gruppo irredentista islamico di Jaish e Mohammad costato la vita a 46 paramiliatri indiani. Lo riferisce il ministro degli Esteri di NUova Dehli Vijay Gokhale aggiungendo che nel raid sarebbero stati uccisi molti militanti, almeno 300, ed evitate vittime civili.Gokhale ha inoltre consultato diplomatici cinesi, statunitensi e russi sulla ciris in corso. Da Pechino e dall’Unione Europea è arrivato l’invito alla calma nel tentativo di non far degenerare il quadro delle relazioni nella regione.

Ma per Islamabad si tratta di un’aggressione in piena regola: “L’India ha compiuto un’aggressione gratuita a cui il Pakistan risponderà quando e dove riterrà opportuno”, si legge in una nota ufficiale diffusa al termine della riunione d’urgenza del comitato di sicurezza nazionale. Per il governo pakistano si tratta di una messa in scena per fini elettorali organizzata da Nuova Dehli. Dubbi sono avanzati anche dalla stampa pakistana secondo cui alcuni testimoni, abitanti di un villaggio vicino al luogo dell’attacco, riferiscono di aver contato un solo ferito lieve.

L’esercito pakistano ha dichiarato di non aver subito alcuna conseguenza nè danno, ma di aver costretto gli aerei indiani alla ritirata una volta verificata la violazione dello spazio aereo pakistano. ¨Secondo la versione dei fatti diffusa dal Pakistan gli aerei indiani avrebbero scaricato le bombe vicino alla città di Balakot, proprio mentre battevano in fretta la ritirata di fronte alle forze aeree di Islamabad.

Sebbene Nuova Delhi abbia precisato che non si è trattato di un atto di guerra, la tensione nella regione è salita alle stelle. L’ultimo precedente di un bombardamento indiano in territorio pakistano risale al 1971.

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Un commento su “L’India bombarda il Kashmir pakistano | Euronews

  1. Y does Pakistan love its military ?

    It is Culture,DNA and the Innate Traits,of the Human Race

    Innate Traits of the Human Race

    Humans ascribe values and standards of morality and ethics, to individuals & organisations, which the humans as a collective whole, or in person DO NOT HAVE and will, never have.It is a model of Outsourcing character and values,to a distant reality,and then raising that to a pedestal,or a God or a Religion.dindooohindoo

    This is what Christians did with Jesus (and that is why the Jesus story was,and is never repeated), and that is also,why the Jews consider it.to be a fantasy tale

    The same logic warp,applies to the military.The values and concepts of honour, discipline, ethics, valor, probity, honesty, sacrifice, selflessness, chivalry, martial psychosis and excellence associated with the military,are virtues absent,in 98% of the human race.

    Of course,the perceptions of the public,about the military,are fantasy land stories – but then,that is where the public wants to be.The same applies to Pakistan,South and East Asia,and all militaristic societies,like Russia,Israel,Iraq etc.

    The public also derives an insane psychotic satisfaction of their martial past,and what they had been,and what they might be,and their role in fulfilling religious and political prophecies – which ultimate prove that,they are a special race !


    Mencius,Confucious and Buddhism are a natural BLEND,INTO the Chinese DNA.It is the subservience of the individual,to ORDER and a LARGER METAPHYSICAL GOAL and the INTERESTS OF THE COLLECTIVE WHOLE, and NOT THE INDIVIDUAL.

    This is documented in the 5 classics of Chinese Literature (Shu King/I Ching etc.).Hence, the transcendent Gene,in Buddha (who was a Mongloid – and NOT AN INDIAN), captured this essence of Buddhist life,and so the Mahayana Buddhism,was a logical corollary,of the life of Buddha – which spread in North East Asia, and Hinayana Buddhism, doomed India,and the whole of South East Asia.

    The Chinese,thus,have always OUTSOURCED their choices and freedoms to a POWER CENTRE,for material and spiritual gains.It is assumed that the POWER CENTRE (even if,in the form an atheist – CCP) has METAPHYSICAL SANCTION.

    Hence,for the Chinese to fall in love with the Tang Emperors ,or the CCP,is easy money. It is a synergistic natural selection,of a race,which chooses its philosophy and leaders (And vice versa).Thus,the Chinese blind faith on the State,and its organs,and ESPECIALLY THE MILITARY.

    DNA – The Indian Context

    The Indian caste system and society,represents a fatalistic,pathetic and despondent triangle of gloom,doom and misery, for 100s of millions of Indian Destitutes.This virus had permeated every section of its society,and its polity.On Dialectial principles, the anti-thesis of this gutter of evil, manifested itself, in a classless cult – with no bar on age,sex, class,creed,religion,idelogy,philosphy,caste –and which, OSTENSIBLY lies, in the Dubious Indian Military.
    The Philosophy is the same – but the mechanics differ. The values that are ABSENT in society,are seen as A DIVINE CONGRUENCE OF INTERESTS, in OTHERS, and then, EXALTED TO A DIVINE STATUS – like an unreachable paradox.

    Of Course, such exaltations of the military,are also a menial method,to vent the impotence and frustrations,of the people

    At the end of the day,The So called Humans with So called sentience,are ROBOTS – and ROBOTS love to watch ROBOTS IN MOTION – which is the MILITARY – and which is Y – AI started with the military, and will end WITH THE SO CALLED HUMAN RACE and WILL ALSO END THE HUMAN RACE

    Once HUMANS ARE RATIONALISED, there will be no need for a military.
