0 2 minuti 4 anni

A group of Jewish settlers uprooted and stole 45 Palestinian olive trees on Monday from the Turmus’ayya village to the northeast of Ramallah.

A group of Jewish settlers uprooted and stole 45 Palestinian olive trees on Monday from the Turmus’ayya village to the northeast of Ramallah.

Local sources reported that settlers of the nearby settlements uprooted and stole 45 olive trees from the land.

Settlers escalate their attacks against the Palestinians and their land whenever the olive harvest season approaches every year. The olive tree is the main target of those attacks.

Turmus’ayya town is located 23 km northeast of Ramallah and its total population is about 4,200 people divided into two main families: Awad and Jabara, in addition to small families of refugee origin.

According to the Municipal Council data, the total area of Turmus’ayya is 18 thousand dunums, 3000 dunums are the structural plan for the town, and 4000 dunums are rangelands planted with various field crops and vegetables.

The Jewish settlements took about 7000 dunums of Turmus’ayya lands. From the northern side of the town are the Shilo settlement and Shvut Rachel settlement, and on the northeastern side there is the Adi Ad settlement which exists on most of the eastern mountains of Turmus’ayya town.

The presence of settlements has prevented the townspeople from expanding from the north and east completely, in addition to converting a large part of the olive-cultivated lands into closed military zone which could be only entered after obtaining prior permission from the Israeli Civil Administration.

@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

Sorgente: Settlers uproot dozens of olive trees in Ramallah

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