0 43 minuti 3 anni

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) Summary of Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory June 3 – 9, 2021

Israeli forces continued to commit crimes and multi-layered violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians that are mostly conducted after midnight and in the early morning hours. This week, the Israeli authorities resumed its demolition and razing activities against Palestinians’ properties and settlers launched attacks on Palestinians and their properties. The army maintained its collective punishment policy on the Gaza Strip, keeping both Beit Hanoun and Karm Abu Salem crossings shut, with limited operation for conditional exceptional cases.

Army shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity:

2 Palestinians died, including a woman who succumbed to her serious wounds she sustained during the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip. In the West Bank, 40 Palestinians were wounded due to Israeli troops’ excessive use of force against civilians; 25 wounded in occupied Jerusalem, including 2 journalists, 4 in Tubas, 7 in peaceful protest in Jabal Sbeih in Nablus, 3 in Ramallah (Ni’lin and al-Nabi Saleh) and a child in Kufur Qaddoum. Moreover, dozens suffocated due to teargas canisters fired by the army in those attacks and others in the West Bank. The army also opened fire twice at the Palestinian fishing boats and once at the agricultural lands in western and eastern Gaza Strip.

Army incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

    Israeli troops carried out 151 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 99 Palestinians were arrested, including 16 children and 3 women; 2 of them were journalists and later released. The army raided and closed UHWC’s headquarter in Ramallah while they confiscated money from a Palestinian prisoner’s house in the West Bank.


PCHR fieldworkers documented 5 violations:

Occupied East Jerusalem:

    1.  Palestinian Forced to self-demolish his house in Jabal Mukaber


    1.  Agricultural room and sheep barn demolished


     10 tents, 9 barracks and other property and equipment dismantled and confiscated in addition to demolishing 2 pools in Bardalah village and razing an agricultural road.


    Setters carried out 2 attacks: riots and assaults on civilians in Kafl Haris in northern Salfit and assaults on Palestinian vehicles in southeastern Nablus.

Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

    1. The Israeli authorities continued to impose collective punishments against the people of the Gaza Strip by closing Kerm Abu Salem and Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossings and partially opening it few days after a ceasefire was declared on 22 May 2021. This comes in a time where The Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the history of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life.


In the West Bank, the Israeli authorities continued to divide it into small isolated cantons while many roads are still completely closed. In addition to the permanent checkpoints, IOF establish temporary checkpoints that hinder civilians’ movement and arrest many of them.


I. Shooting, Suppression of Protests and other Violations of the Right to Life and Bodily Integrity
  • On Thursday, 03 June 2021, medical sources at al-Shifa Hospital declared the death of Yehia Basem Ahmed al-‘Ijlah (24), from Shuja’iyya neighborhood, succumbing to wounds he sustained on 15 May 2021, during the last Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip. It should be noted that al-‘Ijlah stayed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to his serious health condition.


  • At approximately 12:15 on Thursday, 03 June 2021, medical sources announced the death of Dayana Ziyad Muhi al-Deen Abu al-‘Aouf (46), succumbing to wounds she sustained on 16 May 2021, in an Israeli airstrike that targeted her house in Gaza City. Dayana was seriously injured and referred for treatment at the West Bank hospitals, where she died. It should be noted that Dayana’s daughters Shimaa (21) and Rawan (19), in addition to 44 other Palestinians were killed in the Israeli airstrikes that targeted 6 residential buildings on al-Wehda Street.


  • At approximately 03:00 on Friday, 04 June 2021, IOF moved into Far’a refugee camp, south of Tubas. Afterwards, Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at army vehicles. Soldiers responded with live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters. As a result, 4 protestors were wounded; one of them was shot with a live bullet in his foot while the others were shot with rubber bullets in their feet. All of them were taken to Tubas Turkish Hospital. Also, many protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.


  • At approximately 11:30, a large number of Palestinians flocked into Subeih Mount, south of Bita village, southeast of Nablus, and performed the Friday prayer in the area. After that, a peaceful protest took off from Subeih Mount towards Aftar settlement outpost, which is established in the area 40 days ago. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the occupation and settlers. When the protestors arrived, the army , who stationed between olive trees, indiscriminately opened fire at them. Violent clashes erupted in the area, during which, the protestors threw stones at the IOF, who responded with live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters. The clashes continued until 15:30 and resulted in the injury of 7 Palestinians; 6 of them were shot with live bullets while one was shot with a rubber bullet in his head. All of them were taken to Rafidia Hospital. Also, many protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.


  • At approximately 12:00, a peaceful protest took off from the central of Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, towards the annexation wall in Abu Limon area, south of the village. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the occupation and settlers. When the protestors arrived at the annexation wall, the army who stationed behind the fence, fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. Violent clashes erupted in the area, during which, the protestors threw stones at the army, who continued to open fire indiscriminately at the protestors. As a result, a 17-year-old child was shot with a live bullet in his shoulder and another was shot with a rubber bullet in his left leg. Both of them were taken to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. Also, dozens of protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.


  • At approximately 13:00, the army stationed at the northern entrance to Kufur Qaddum village, east of Qalqilia, suppressed a peaceful protest organized by dozens of Palestinians. Also, the army chased the Palestinians while clashes erupted, during which the army fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. As a result, a 10-year-old child was hit with a sponge grenade in his hand.


  • At approximately 16:00, a number of Palestinian young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyia area in central Hebron, where the army established a military checkpoint at the entrance to al-Shuhada closed street. The Palestinians threw stones at the checkpoint and set fire to tires on the street leading to the checkpoint. Afterwards, a number of Israeli soldiers left the checkpoint to fire rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at the stone-throwers and chased them in Sha’ir Wad al-Tuffah area. As a result, many protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation. During the clashes, which continued until 20:00, many shops were closed and no casualties were reported.
  • On Friday, Israeli troops
    Israeli troops suppressed a peaceful protest organized by Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan residents and Palestinians in solidarity with those in Baten al-Hawa neighborhood, which is under the threat of expulsion in favor of settlers in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. Israeli troops fired sound bombs, teargas canisters and rubber bullets at the protestors. According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 17:00, the army moved into Baten al-Hawa neighborhood, coinciding with the arrival of Palestinians who participated in marathon titled: “Jerusalem Marathon”, which took off from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood towards a sit-in tent established in Baten al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan. When the participants chanted slogans condemning the Israeli courts’ decisions regarding the eviction of Sheikh Jarrah and Baten al-Hawa neighborhoods, Israeli troops raided the tent, beat the participants in the sit-in and fired sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. Afterwards, violent clashes erupted in the area, during which, Israeli troops heavily fired teargas canisters in the neighborhood. As a result, dozens of civilians and press crews suffocated due to teargas inhalation. When Israeli troops withdrew from the neighborhood, Palestinians in solidarity with the neighborhood’s residents returned to the tent to complete the activities. Accordingly, the army raided the tent again, beat all Palestinians stood there, indiscriminately fired teargas canisters at them, confiscated loudspeakers, broke all chairs, and arrested Kayid Rajbi, a member of Baten al-Hawa village committee, Saif Abu Ta’ah, Mamdouh Zahdah, and Mo’tasem Hmidat (15) after severely beat them up. Other clashes erupted in the neighborhood and continued for several hours, during which, the army demolished the tent completely in an attempt to stop all activities. They deliberately targeted houses as a teargas canister hit a house belonging to Abu Mouz family. As a result, Abu Mouz family members, including women and children, suffocated due to teargas inhalation. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) stated that they treated 23 Palestinians who were beaten and hit with teargas canisters; one of them was taken to a hospital. The PRCS also pointed out that the army targeted a PRCS ambulance with a rubber bullet. As a result, the ambulance windows were broken.


  • At approximately 19:00 on Saturday, 05 June 2021, the army arrested Al-Jazeera media network journalist, Guevara Ishaq Ahmed al-Budeiri (45), after physically assaulting her while she was covering a protest organized by Palestinians in solidarity with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood to commemorate the 54th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, known as “al-Naksa.” Few hours after her arrest, Israeli authorities released al-Budeiri and handed her a 15-day deportation order from Jerusalem. According to PCHR’s investigations, eyewitnesses’ testimonies and al-Budeiri’s statement after her release, the army unjustifiably assaulted al-Budeiri while she was covering incidents in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood along with her colleague, photographer Nabil al-Mezawi. the army ordered al-Budeiri to show her press card, despite knowing her identity as she is a well-known journalist. She asked them to give her 3 minutes to bring the press card from her car, but they refused and violently assaulted her. Footages taken by Palestinian journalists who were in the area showed that at least 5 female soldiers assaulted al-Budeiri and grabbed her arm violently before detaining her near a wall. She yelled English: “Do not touch me.. Stop.. I am a journalist.” The army also kicked and beat al-Budeiri and prevented anyone from approaching or helping her. They handcuffed her and took her to a police station. It should be noted that al-Budeiri was beaten while she was on her way to al-Bareed Investigation Center on Salah al-Deen Street in central occupied East Jerusalem. Al-Jazeera photographer, Nabil al-Mezawi, said that the army intentionally assaulted Al-Jazeera crew as they arrested al-Budeiri, the army also assaulted him, pushed him to the ground and broke his camera and live broadcast equipment. Al-Budeiri’s lawyer, Khaldoun Nejim, said that Israeli authorities accused Guevara of assaulting a female soldier. He pointed out that the female soldier who claimed that al-Budeiri assaulted her was at the police station to file a complaint against Guevara, but footages taken by al-Jazeera photographer refuted the soldier’s claims. Consequently, the army were forced to change al-Budeiri’s charge and accused her of not obeying to soldiers’ orders and not showing her press card to them, despite that they know her on both professional and personal levels; thus, she would not need to present proof of identity according to Israeli law. Nejim added that Israeli police interrogated al-Budeiri for several hours and released her later, provided that she will banned entry to Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood for 15 days. It was later discovered that al-Budeiri sustained fractures in her hand. Moreover, the army banned the entry of Journalists who hold Palestinian Press Cards into the neighborhood; restrict their presence around the neighborhood, beat and push them; pump wastewater at them and other methods that would hinder their coverage and silence their voices in the occupied City.


  • At approximately 14:00 on Sunday, 06 June 2021, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered at the main entrance to Nabi Salih village, northwest of Ramallah, where they set fire to tires and threw stones and empty bottles at the military checkpoint established there. In the meantime, the army deployed in front of the checkpoint and fired live and rubber bullets and a barrage of teargas canisters and sound bombs at the stone-throwers. As a result, a 34-year-old male was shot with a live bullet in his forehead and was taken to the Istishari Arab Hospital in al-Rihan suburb, north of Ramallah, where medical sources described his injuries as serious. Also, many stone-throwers suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
  • In the evening, dozens of Palestinians and journalists in solidarity with the two siblings Mohammed and Mona al-Kurd, who were arrested by the army, gathered in front of al-Bareed Police Station on Salah al-Deen Street after Mohammed and Mona’s father called for protesting against the arrest of his daughter and son. At approximately 17:30, coinciding with transferring Mona from al-Bareed Police Station to al-Maskobiya Police Station, IOF heavily and indiscriminately fired teargas canisters and sound bombs at the Palestinians and journalists gathered in the area. As a result, Al-Jazeera media network reporter, Najwan Simiri Diyab (41), sustained sound bomb shrapnel wounds in her leg; Maydan Alquds reporter, Baraa’ Abu Remouz, sustained sound bomb shrapnel wounds in her back; and journalist Amjad Taher ‘Arafa (36), sustained sound bomb shrapnel wounds in his leg. Also, a photojournalist at al-Kofiyia TV, Wahbi Kamel Mikiyia (37); a reporter at al-Hayat al-Jadida newspaper, Diala Jowihan; and a reporter at Palestine TV, Layali Ziyad ‘Eid suffocated due to teargas inhalation.


  • At approximately 05:00 on Tuesday, 08 June 2021, Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha Shore, northwest of Beit Lahia, and off al-Sodaniyia shore, west of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles and opened heavy fire at them, enticing fear among the fishermen and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.


  • At approximately 19:00, a large number of Israeli soldiers accompanied with skunk water carrying vehicle moved into al-Tur neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched residential houses and arrested 3 civilians, including a child, taking them to al-Bareed Police Station. The arrestees were identified as Sofian Feras Abu al-Hawa (18), Fadi Ayman Abu Ghannam (17) and ‘Odai Abu al-Hawa (20). Before the the army’s withdrawal from the neighborhood, dozens of Palestinians gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at the army, who fired rubber bullets and teargas canisters at them and pumped skunk water in the area.


  • At approximately 12:30 on Tuesday, a peaceful protest took off in front of a vegetable market at the main entrance to Bita village, southeast of Nablus, towards the bypass road that was raze and Jabal Subeih area, south of the village, where the army established “Aftar” settlement outpost. The protestors raised the Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against occupation and settlers. When the protestors arrived at the area, they found a large number of Israeli soldiers awaiting them on the bypass road and near the mount. The army fired a barrage of teargas canisters at the protestors and chased them. They also arrested Hatem Isma’il Hamaad Hamayil (17) and took him to a military vehicle. Following that, violent clashes erupted, during which, the protestors threw stones at IOF, who continued to fire live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at the protestors. As a result, many of them suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot. At approximately 13:00, IOF directly targeted an ambulance belonging to the Palestinian Medical Relief Committees with a rubber bullet and a teargas canister. As a result, the ambulance windshield was broken while medical crews were inside.

The ambulance driver, Jareer Zakaria Qanadilou, said to PCHR’s researcher that:

while I was covering incidents on the bypass road near the vegetables market at the main entrance to Bita village, southeast of Nablus, along with the volunteers Mohammed Toqan and Omar al-Biz via an ambulance, IOF directly targeted the ambulance, which was parked in a safe area, with a rubber bullet and a teargas canister while we were inside. As a result, the ambulance windshield was broken. After that, I drove the ambulance away. I stayed in the area for about half an hour and then left to repair the broken windshield.”

  • At approximately 23:30, Israeli gunboats stationed off Deir al-Balah shore in central Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 6 nautical miles, opened fire and pumped wastewater at them, and forced them to sail in less than 6 miles. The shooting continued for 30 minutes until Wednesday dawn, 09 June 2021. No casualties were reported.


  • At approximately 03:00 on Wednesday, 09 June 2021, IOF moved into Tubas, north of the West Bank. Meanwhile, a group of Palestinians gathered and threw stones at IOF’s vehicles. The army immediately fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. As a result, a 23-year-old male was shot with 2 live bullets in his abdomen and back, causing internal bleeding and his health condition was reported serious; a 26-year-old male was shot with a live bullet below his back; and a 22-year-old male was shot with a live bullet in his right arm. All of them were taken to Tubas Turkish Hospital. Also, many protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot. At approximately 04:30,the army arrested Nader Mostafa Mohammed Sawaftah (47), a leader in Hamas Movement, and Osaid Shafiq Rafeeq al-Kharraz (28), a former prisoner, taking them to an unknown destination.


  • At approximately 08:00, the army stationed along the Gaza’s border fence with Israel opened fire at agricultural lands in Khuzaʽa village, east of Khan Younis. The shooting continued for several minutes and no casualties were reported.


II. Incursions and arrests

Thursday, 03 June 2021:

  • At approximately 00:00, the army moved into Salem village, northeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) civilians, including 2 siblings. The arrestees are: Khaled ‘Akef Ishtayah (25), his brother, Anas (21), Omar Mustafa Hamdan (25) and Fawzi Mohammed Awwad (23).


  • At approximately 01:00, the army moved into Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians; Fadi Mohammed Nasrallah (34), Ahmed Adel Hajajera (32) and Anas Nabhan Nasrallah (29).


  • At approximately 02:00, the army moved into Sa’ir, north of Hebron. They raided and searched 2 houses and arrested Jaber Yousef al-Shalaledah (33) and Ibarhim Sameer al-Shalaledah (36).


  • At approximately 03:00, the army moved into Yatta, south of Hebron. They raided and searched Ayman Mohammed Meghnim’s (39) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 05:00, the army moved into Kharbatha Bani Harith village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched Ali Ahmed al-Shaikh’s (29) house and arrested him. It should be noted that al-Shaikh is a former prisoner.


  • At approximately 12:00, IOF arrested Nofouth Hammad (14), while present at the entrance of al-Shaikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, claiming that she was drawing the Palestinian flags on her friends’ faces coinciding with the children’s entertainment day in the neighborhood. The army took her to al-Bareed police center on Salah al-Dein Street in the city.


  • At approximately 15:00, the army arrested Shahed Mohammed Abu al-Hums (23), while present near Bab Huta area, one of the Aqsa Mosque’s gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They took her to al-Kishle police center where they handed her a decision to ban her entry to the Aqsa Mosque for 6 months.


  • At approximately 17:00, the army moved into al-Wad neighborhood, one of the Jerusalem’s Old City’s neighborhoods. They raided and searched Mohammed Mousa Hudaib’s (17) house and arrested him.


  • The army carried out (5) incursions in Bayt Furik, Izmut, Luban al-Sharkiya and Duma, in Nablus; and al-Bireh, north of Ramallah governorate. No arrests were reported.


Friday, 04 June 2021:

  • At approximately 00:40, the army moved into Jericho, and stationed in al-Iskan area. They raided and searched Mohammed Awni Totah’s (30) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli troops arrested Naser Hani al-Rimawi (26), from Birzeit village, north of Ramallah, while referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Ofer” detention, established in Beitunia, west of the city, on a prior summons.


Saturday, 05 June 2021:

  • At approximately 01:20, Israeli troops moved into Burin village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Amro Murad Najjar (21).


  • At approximately 01:30, Israeli troops reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Sa’ir, north of Hebron, and stationed in the city center. They raided and searched Wajdi Nayef Jaradat’s (44) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 03:45, Israeli troops moved into Tulkarm refugee camp. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Mahmoud Fathi Matar (24) and Nibras Jamal al-Hadayda (25), and arrested them.


  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli troops arrested Sultan Yousef Safi (25), from Kharsa village, south of Dura, southwest of Hebron governorate, after stopping him at al-Container military checkpoint, north of Hebron, while heading to Bethlehem. IOF took him to an unknown destination.


  • In evening hours, Israeli troops prevented Palestinian farmers from reaching their lands in Qudeis area in Husan village, west of Bethlehem. The farmer Mohammed Hamamera said that IOF prevented the farmers from entering their agricultural lands in Qudeis area in Betar Illit settlement, which was established in Husan village. As a result, farmers gathered in front of their lands in protest against the Israeli troops and Betar Illit settlers’ continuous violations against the farmers. He added, 3 months ago, the Israeli authorities issued a decision that oblige farmers to leave their lands at approximately 17:00, and other instructions that restrict their work, noting that the 100-dunum lands are considered the main source of income to their owners who have been suffering from settlers’ violations for a long time, including stone-throwing, stealing crops, cuting and uprooting trees.


  • Israeli troops carried out (4) incursions in Dura, Halhul, Bani Na’im and Kharsa villages. No arrests were reported.


Sunday, 06 June 2021:

  • At approximately 02:30, soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into the southern side of Hebron. They raided and searched 2 houses and arrested (3) civilians, including a father and his son. The arrestees are: Jawad Ayoub Abu Sbeih (47), his son, Tareq (23), and Fahed Hani al-Za’tari (33).


  • Around the same time, soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Mo’ayad Sami al-Sharabi’s (29) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 10:00, soldiers moved into Nabil al-Kurd’s house in Karm al-Ja’ouni area whose residents are threatened with forced displacement in al-Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. Before the withdrawal, soldiers arrested his daughter, Muna al-Kurd (23), and left a summons for his son, Mohammed (23), who was not at home, to refer to al-Bareed police center on Salah al-Dein Street in the occupied East Jerusalem.

Nabil al-Kurd said to PCHR’s field worker about the arrest circumstances of his daughter and summoning his son Mohammed:

When I was asleep, I heard their voices inside my house. They violently raided my bedroom saying that they are searching for Muna and Mohammed. I asked them about the reason to arrest Muna and Mohammed, but they replied by saying that they are wanted for investigation, so I told them to show me the court order.” He added: “I told them that my Mohammed is not at home, so they started searching the house and even under the beds. They raided Muna’s room to arrest her and did not even allow her to brush her teeth. Muna was ordered to wear her clothes with the presence of a police woman, then she was taken to al-Bareed police center by their vehicle.”

However, Mohammed surrendered to the above-mentioned police center at approximately 13:00. Al-Kurd invited journalists and those in solidarity with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood to come in front of the police center on Salah al-Deen street, saying that the arrest order was issued to muzzle, entice fear and practice pressure on the residents of the neighborhood and activists 2 days before the due date of the Israeli judicial adviser’s response about Sheikh Jarrah residents’ case. It should be noted that at approximately 18:00, soldiers released Muna without conditions, while Mohammed was released at approximately 22:00. Muna and Mohammed stated that the Israeli Authorities accused them of “disturbing public security and participation in nationalistic riots”, as they refused to sign any pledges to be released.

  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli Intelligence Services arrested Zuhair al-Rajabi (48), Head of Batin-al-Hawa Committee, and Eyad Abu Sneina (23), from the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, who were summonsed for investigation in al-Bareed police center on Salah al-Dein street in the city. It should be noted that soldiers released Eyad Abu Sneina in the evening on one condition that he would be banned entry to Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood for 15 days, while al-Rajabi’s arrest was extended for the next day.


  • Israeli soldiers carried out (2) incursions in Surif and Tarqumiyah in Hebron. No arrests were reported.


Monday, 07 June 2021:

  • At approximately 01:00, soldiers moved into Thuri neighborhood, south of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed Yoused Syam’s (23) house and arrested him.


  • Around the same time, soldiers moved into Madama village, southeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Basheer Hamed Ziyada’s house, who has been arrested in the Israeli prisons for 20 days and sentenced to administrative detention for 4 months. Soldiers confiscated (5,760 NIS, 485 JD, 100 USD and 5 SR), and handed the family a warrant of the confiscated money.


  • At approximately 02:00, soldiers moved into al-Qirami neighborhood in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (5) civilians; Abdullah al-Hashlamon, Abdul Rahman Abu Asab, Adam Sab Laban, Mohammed Abu Asab and Riyad al-Ghazzawi.


  • At approximately 02:30, soldiers moved into Shu’afat refugee camp, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mahdi Mohammed Salama’s (20) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 02:55, soldiers moved into al-Tira neighborhood, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Rami Rizq Fadayel (41), who is a former prisoner.


  • At approximately 03:00, soldiers moved into al-Khader village, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Khaled Mohammed Ghuneim (17) and Mohammed Rami Salah (16), and arrested them. It should be noted that Ghuneim and Salah were injured in the leg and abdomen, during clashes occurred with the Israeli forces in al-Khader, several months ago.


  • At approximately 04:00, the army, reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Birzeit, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched Ashraf Khaled Abu Arram’s (37) house, severely beaten and arrested him.

Nour Farraj, Ashraf’s wife, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that:

At approximately 04:00, my husband and I woke up on door knocks, I expected the Israeli soldiers so I headed to my children’s bedroom and woke them up quietly. When my husband opened the door, about 15 Israeli soldiers stormed and deployed in our house, one of them ordered my husband, Ashraf, to bring his ID card and cell phone, and then 2 soldiers took my husband to the living room. My son, Majdi (9), attempted to go to his father and shouted at the soldiers “Leave my father alone”, so I went to calm him but one of the soldiers hit me with his riffle’s butt on my shoulder, pushed Majdi back and ordered us to sit quietly. While the army was arresting my husband, I looked through the window and saw 2 soldiers kicking him on his legs then they took him to where the vehicles were stationed in the city center.”

  • At approximately 04:30, the army moved into the Silwan neighborhood, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ahmed al-Rokon’s (24) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 04:35, the army moved into Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Atta Issa Sharaka (22), who was injured by the Israeli soldiers on 05 February 2021, and Majd Mahdi al-Remhi (26), and arrested them.


  • At approximately 05:30, the army reinforced with several military vehicles moved into the southern side of Hebron, and stationed in Um al-Daliya area. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (6) civilians. The arrestees are: Jawad Ayoub Abu Sbeih (30), Tareq Jawad Abu Sbeih (19), Tayseer Mohammed Abu Sbeih (21), Hussam Ayed Abu Sbeih (24), Abdul Rahman Mohammed Abu Sbeih (23) and Mohammed Tayseer Abu Sbeih (19).


  • At approximately 07:00, the army moved into Ras al-Amud neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ma’n Owais’s (28) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 10:55, the army moved into Bayt Lid village, north of Tulkarm. They raided and searched several houses and field investigated 4 civilians; Ameed Saif al-Shayeb, Osaid Fathi Dreidi, Saleem Hisham Dreidi and Ahmed Abdul Rahim Hamida. At approximately 12:00, the army withdrew.


  • At approximately 14:00, the army moved into al-Tur neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Faisal Waheed Shabana’s (21) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 19:00, the army deployed in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron’s Old City and arrested Yousef Mohammed Misk (12) and Mohammed Yaser Misk (12), claiming that they did not obey the orders of the Israeli soldiers. IOF released them after 2 hours.


  • At approximately 20:00, the army moved into Awarta village, southeast of Nablus. They arrested Mahmoud Faisal Mohammed Qweiriq (28) and Sameh Mohammed Kamel Qweiriq (25), while they were walking in front of their houses.


  • At approximately 20:00, the army moved into Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Rami Jamjoum’s (23) house, severely beaten and arrested him.


  • The army carried out (6) incursions in Tell and Duma villages, southeast of Nablus; Shuyukh, Yatta, Hitta, and Bait Ula, in Hebron; Deir Istiya and Qarawat Bani Hassan in Salfit. No arrests were reported. 

Tuesday, 08 June 2021:

  • At approximately 01:00, the army moved into Husan village, west of Bethlehem and Dheisha refugee camp, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians. The arrestees are: Ali Mohammed Musleh (48), Ahme Izzat Abu Dayya (23) and Ghassan Ibrahim Zawahra (33).


  • Around the same time, the army reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Bayt Awa village, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched Belal Issa al-Swaity’s (34) house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.


  • At approximately 02:00, the army moved into Burin, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched Waseem Firas Mansour’s (20) house and arrested him.


  • Around the same time, the army moved into Tulkarem. They raided and searched Beit al-Maqdes for Money Exchange, and confiscate the recording device of the surveillance cameras before the withdrawal.


  • At approximately 02:10, soldiers moved into Beit Iba village, west of Nablus. They raided and searched Anas Naser Khanfa’s (21) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 02:25, soldiers moved into Deir ‘Ammar village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched Yousef Mohammed Owda’s (49) house and arrested him. It should be noted that Owda is a former prisoner.


  • At approximately 02:30, soldiers moved into Husan, west of Bethlehem. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Mohammed Ra’ouf Abu Yabis (22) and Qusai Adli Hamamera (22), and arrested them.


  • At approximately 03:40, soldiers moved into Beit Rima village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Mahdi al-Asmar (41), who is a former prisoner.


  • At approximately 04:00, soldiers moved into Harmala village, east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Belal Saleem Atallah’s (25) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 04:45, soldiers moved into Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched Mousa Ehab al-Zubeidi’s (16) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 08:00, soldiers moved into Batin al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Lo’ay Sami al-Rajabi’s (26) house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in al-Maskobiya police center in West Jerusalem.


  • At approximately 13:00, soldiers arrested Ayman Hani Abu al-Hawa (14), while present at al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.


At approximately 16:00, soldiers arrested Ayham Ra’ed Abu Mfareh (17), while present in front of al-Bareed police center on Salah al-Deen Street, in occupied East Jerusalem.

  • At approximately 17:00, soldiers arrested Oday Fadi Abu Jom’a (18), from al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, while present in front of the Central Court on Salah al-Deen Street in occupied East Jerusalem.


  • Israeli soldiers carried out (2) incursions in Dayr Sharaf and Bayt Wazan villages, west of Nablus. No arrests were reported.


Wednesday, 09 June 2021:

  • At approximately 01:00, soldiers moved into Salem village, northeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses, including the houses of Osaid Abdul Jalil Ishtaya, ‘Akef Jameel Ishtaya, Thameen Abdul Majeed Hamdan, Turki Hamdan and Kareem Nathim Ishtaya. Meanwhile, soldiers arrested Osaid Abdul Jalil Ishtaya (35), Thameen Abdul Majeed Hamdan and Kareem Nathim Ishtaya, and took them to the military vehicles for a field investigation for more than 2 hours. At approximately 05:00, soldiers released them except Osaid Ishtaya.


  • At approximately 01:05, soldiers moved into Beitunia, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched Abdul Kareem Sameh Ziyada’s (60) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 01:30, soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched 2 houses and arrested 2 civilians, including a child; Emad Ahmed Abu Sharar (13) and Adam Bassam Banat (25).


  • At approximately 02:00, soldiers moved into Batin al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Fo’ad al-Rajabi (36) and Mohammed al-Rajabi (19), and arrested them.


  • At approximately 02:30, soldiers moved into Am’ari refugee camp, southeast of al-Bireh, north of Ramallah governorate. They raided and searched Islam Fa’eq Nimir’s (23) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 03:00, soldiers moved into Teqoa, east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Riyad Talal al-‘Ammour’s (18) house and arrested him.


  • At approximately 04:00, soldiers moved into Hizma, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) civilians, including a child. The arrestees are: Ghazi Bader al-Khateeb (28), Mohammed Rashed Salim (22), Qusai Hamed al-Khateeb (19) and his brother, Fadi (16).


At approximately 04:40, soldiers moved into Umm Safa village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) civilians; Bara’ Osama Hamad (23), Ma’moun Issam Sabbah (25), Wajd Najeh Tanatera (17) and Mansour Mohammed Tanatera (19). Authorities released them later.

  • At approximately 05:00, soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Bireh, and stationed in Sateh Marhaba neighborhood. They raided the headquarter of the of the Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC) (2 floors in al-Sartawi building). They removed the outside doors and raided and ransacked the headquarter. They confiscated the hard disks from the computers and removed the cupboard doors to confiscate the files. Soldiers then closed the main door of the UHWC’s office with metal bars and fixed an order issued by the Israel Defense Forces Commander to close immediately the office for 6 months. The order also warned the employees from entering their offices otherwise they will be arrested or prosecuted for disobeying the military orders.

Shatha ‘Odeh, UHWC’s Director, commented on the order to close the office and said,

this military order will negatively affect the organization’s work and continuity to provide healthcare services to citizens as the closure of the headquarter will hinder work in the branch offices in terms of administrative and financial matters. Moreover, the closure will restrict our relation with the donors when they know that the headquarter is closed in addition to shaking the confidence of medicine and medical devices’ suppliers in the organization.”

Previously on 08 March 2021, soldiers raided and ransacked the same headquarter in addition to confiscating the computers. At the same time, they arrested one of the organization’s employees from his house in Ramallah. It should be noted that UHWC is a well-respected Palestinian non-governmental organization that was founded in 1985. UHWC is active in the field of health and community development in the Palestinian territory from a human rights perspective; it has branches in most Palestinian cities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli Intelligence Services moved into Yazan Salah Kash’am (14), after summonsing him for investigation in al-Bareed police center on Salah al-Deen Street, in occupied East Jerusalem.


  • At approximately 16:00, soldiers arrested Musleh Shehada Makhamerah (30), from al-Rakeez village, east of Yatta, south of Hebron governorate, while he was herding sheep in the area. IOF took him to a police center in “Kiryat Arba’” settlement, east of Hebron.


III. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank


a. Demolitions, Confiscations and notices

  • On Monday, 07 June 2021, Muhannad Ibrahim Bashir self-demolished his house in Bashir neighborhood in Jabal Mukaber village, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem, pursuant to the Israeli Interior Ministry’s decision under the pretext of unlicensed construction.
    The house’s owner, Muhanned al-Bashir, said that he finished building his house in the beginning of this year and moved in last March. He added that he lived in the 120-sqm house with his wife and 3 kids (6) (4) and (7 months.) he said that the Ministry of Interior issued the decision as soon as he finished building the house and was fined with 95,000 ILS. Although he resorted to the court, the latter refused to delay or freeze the decision. The Israeli Police also called him the day before in the evening and threatened him that he has only until 12:00 on Monday to self-demolish his house otherwise the Israeli Municipality’s bulldozers will carry out the demolition and fine him with 100,000 ILS for the demolition costs. As a result, he was forced to self-demolish his house to avoid the high costs and debt accumulation.


  • At approximately 11:00, soldiers backed by military vehicles and accompanied with 3 vehicles belonging to the Israeli Civil Administration, a bulldozer, an excavator and a truck-mounted moved into al-Mo’arajat area, north of Jericho, where Ka’abnah Arabs Community. Soldiers brought workers from Israeli private companies, who dismantled and confiscated 10 tents and 9 barracks, belongings and other equipment.

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