0 2 minuti 3 anni

Clashes erupted on Thursday and Wednesday between Palestinians on one hand and dozens of settlers and the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on the other hand in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Eyewitnesses reported that confrontations broke out in Kifl Haris, in Salfit, after settlers stormed the shrines area. Young men fired fireworks towards the IOF soldiers and settlers.

Meanwhile, several citizens were wounded by rubber bullets during clashes with IOF near the entrance to Azmout village, east of Nablus.

IOF continued combing operations in the vicinity of the towns of Beit Furik, Salem, Deir al-Hatab and Azmut. An army helicopter was used in dropping flare bombs for hours after a settler’s vehicle was exposed to shooting in the area on Wednesday evening.

Also on Wednesday evening, Jerusalemite youths confronted dozens of Jewish settlers who tried to attack them in Occupied Jerusalem.

Local sources said that young men who were working in west Jerusalem used sticks and metal bars to confront dozens of Haredi settlers who tried to beat the Jerusalemite youths.

Eyewitnesses reported that the Israeli police also arrested five Palestinians from Bab al-Amoud after assaulting them.

The released prisoner Omar Muhaisen from Shu’fat refugee camp in Jerusalem was arrested earlier after he was summoned for interrogation.


@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

Sorgente: Clashes reported in Nablus, Jerusalem

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