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31 August 2024
0 2 minuti 4 anni

Israeli court obliges PA to pay 13 million shekels to family of settlers who were killed in operation

QNN – The Central Occupation Court in the occupied Jerusalem issued on Monday a decision that requires the Palestinian Authority to pay compensation at least 13 million shekels to the family of a settler and his wife who were killed in an operation in 2002, the occupation sources claim.

Three settlers were killed and 80 others were injured as a result of the operation.

Thus, The families of settlers have filed a compensation complainant for 16 years ago against the Palestinian Authority, claiming that the operation was carried out with direct support from them.

4040 occupation site said, that the Occupation Court issued an unprecedented decision to hold the Palestinian Authority directly responsible for this operation two years ago. The site claimed it was proven that some Authority`s officials participated in planning the operation.

During the last years, The Israeli occupation imposed fines on the Palestinian Authority for operations carried out years ago, which is collected through piracy from clearing funds transferred by the occupation government to the benefit of the Palestinian Authority.

Sorgente: Israeli court obliges PA to pay 13 million shekels to family of settlers who were killed in operation – Quds News Network

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