0 5 minuti 4 anni

Join Samidoun for an important event:
Palestinian Prisoners’ Families in Struggle  –
Collective Punishment, Steadfastness and Resistance
with Basil Farraj

Thursday, 21 May
12 pm Pacific – 3 pm Eastern – 7 pm UTC – 9 pm central Europe – 10 pm Palestine

Register online: https://bit.ly/prisonersfamilies

Join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network for an important discussion with Basil Farraj, Palestinian scholar and the son and relative of multiple Palestinian prisoners, on the experiences, struggles, resistance and steadfastness of Palestinian prisoners’ families. Given the widespread nature of incarceration by Israeli occupation prison regimes for Palestinians under occupation, far too many Palestinian families face collective punishment by the Israeli state yet continue to resist with tremendous steadfastness.

Basil Farraj is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute, Geneva and a research assistant for the VIPRE Initiative. Basil’s work focuses on political prisoners, violence directed against them, and ways in which they resist the incarcerating regimes. His work reaches for the intersections of memory, resistance and art by prisoners and others at the receiving end of violence. Basil has previously conducted fieldwork in a number of countries including Chile and Colombia.

This event will also be broadcast on Facebook Live at https://facebook.com/SamidounPrisonerSolidarity/


Palestinian-American researcher Ubai Aboudi, executive director of the Bisan Center for Research and Development, was abducted from his home by Israeli occupation forces on 13 November, 2019 and put in detention without charge.

Ubai, who had been working with Scientists for Palestine to organize the Third International Meeting on Science in Palestine, which took place on 10-12 January, 2020 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was later transferred from “administrative detention” to an Israeli military court.

Today he faces trial on manufactured, baseless charges, which Israel routinely imposes on Palestinians under military occupation.

And despite Ubai’s United States citizenship, as well as the U.S. government’s $3.8 billion in annual military aid to Israel, the U.S. has largely left Ubai and Hind Shraydeh, his wife and the mother of their three children, to suffer alone.

On Monday, 1 June – one day before he faces his next military court heariing – take action to demand freedom for Ubai and 4,700 other Palestinian political prisoners.

Take action:

  1. Ask your organization to endorse this call to action. Please use the form here – visit the link at https://bit.ly/action4ubai.
  2. Demand the U.S. government intercede for Ubai and his freedom. Call the U.S. State Department at (202) 647-4000, then, if you are a U.S. citizen or resident, find your Congressional representative here. Tell each of them:
    • Israel is currently subjecting a U.S. citizen, Ubai Aboudi, to trial on manufactured political charges before a military court.
    • Ubai was previously one of 400 Palestinians held under “administrative detention,” internment without charge or trial.
    • Israel routinely subjects Palestinians in military detention to mistreatment, including torture.
    • Israeli military courts convict Palestinian defendants at a rate of 99.76%.
    • The U.S. government must immediately intercede to demand Ubai’s immediate and unconditional release.
    • It must also impose meaningful sanctions for Israel’s crimes against 4,700 political prisoners and other Palestinians, including an immediate end to its $3.8 billion in annual military aid.
  3. Join a social media storm at 10:00 am Pacific time, 1:00 pm Eastern time, 5:00 pm Greenwich mean time, and 8:00 pm Palestine time. Share content about Ubai with the hashtag #Freedom4Ubai.
  4. Post pictures and videos of yourself and your organization demonstrating in solidarity with Ubai. Watch for signs to hold, or design and share your own! Use the hashtag #Freedom4Ubai to help others find them.
  5. Demonstrate publicly where local conditions and restrictions allow. If possible, organize a car caravan, protest or rally in a public area, then share photographs and footage of it online with the hashtag.


#Freedom4Ubai to help others find them.Demonstrate publicly where local conditions and restrictions allow. If possible, organize a car caravan, protest or rally in a public area, then share photographs and footage of it online with the hashtag.Resources:

Sorgente: 21 May: Join Webinar on Palestinian Prisoners’ Families in Struggle | Day of Action for Ubai Aboudi 1 June – [email protected] – Gmail

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