0 1 minuto 5 anni

Dating back to 2015, the private Instagram account of Lev Parnas, a Ukrainian-American indicted for illegal campaign donations, appears to show VIP access to President Trump and a close relationship with Rudy Giuliani. WSJ’s Shelby Holliday reports. Photo illustration: Adele Morgan

A top U.S. diplomat said President Trump made nearly $400 million in aid contingent on the Ukrainian president investigating Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election, according to prepared testimony in the House impeachment inquiry.


Bill Taylor, the acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said Tuesday he grew concerned about dual channels through which the Trump administration was conducting foreign policy toward Kyiv—one…

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Sorgente: Diplomat Says Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Probes Into Biden, Alleged Election Interference – WSJ

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