0 2 minuti 5 anni

sraeli forces have killed a Palestinian woman following what they alleged was a stabbing attack at a checkpoint in the occupied territories.

The victim, whose identity was not immediately known, was killed at the Qalandia checkpoint between Jerusalem al-Quds and the north of the West Bank on Wednesday.

An Israeli official claimed the Palestinian woman had approached forces at the vehicle passage of the checkpoint, ignoring calls to stop and pulling out a knife before being shot in the leg.

Medics allegedly treated her at the scene and then evacuated her to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem al-Quds for further treatment, a police statement said.

She was later pronounced dead, however.

The cause of her death was not clear.

The Israeli military regularly opens fatal fire on Palestinians, accusing them of attempting to carry out stabbing attacks against its forces.

Human rights groups have repeatedly criticized the Tel Aviv regime for its shoot-to-kill policy as a large number of the Palestinians killed at the scene of the alleged attacks did not pose serious threats to Israelis.

Israeli troops have on numerous occasions been caught on camera brutally killing Palestinians, with the videos going viral online and sparking international condemnation.


Sorgente: PressTV-Israeli forces kill Palestinian woman

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