0 1 minuto 3 anni

A trilateral meeting between the foreign ministers of Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan was held in Antalya, Turkey on Sunday, reports Anadolu Agency.”Started last day of Antalya Diplomacy Forum with a trilateral meeting with Javad Zarif and Haneef Atmar,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu tweeted.Afghan Foreign Minister Haneef Atmar described the meeting as “first & very successful.” In a tweet, he termed it a “crucial mechanism” to coordinate combined efforts for peace, security, counter-terrorism, and economic cooperation.Separately, Cavusoglu also met the foreign ministers of Pakistan, Guinea Bissau, and Nigeria, among other leaders.The three-day Antalya Diplomacy Forum brought together political leaders, diplomats, opinion makers, and academics.

Sorgente: Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran hold trilateral meeting – Middle East Monitor

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