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Traduzione: AssopacePalestina

Grandi Proteste contro la demolizione del cimitero islamico di Yafa da parte di Israele
Lunedì della scorsa settimana i bulldozer israeliani hanno iniziato la demolizione del cimitero in vista dell’edificazione di un nuovo nucleo abitativo israeliano. Il giorno dopo centinaia di palestinesi residenti nella città di Yafa hanno organizzato una protesta contro la demolizione israeliana di un cimitero storico islamico; ci sono stati scontri dopo che la polizia israeliana ha sparato gas lacrimogeni e usato bombe acustiche contro i manifestanti.
Il cimitero di Al-Isaaf, che risale all’epoca ottomana, comprende centinaia di sepolture di musulmani che vi furono sepolti prima dell’occupazione israeliana della città nel 1948.

Massive protest against Israel demolition of Islamic cemetery in YafaOn Monday, Israeli bulldozers started the demolition of the cemetery in preparation for building a new Israeli housing project.June 13, 2020 at 12:11 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine, Videos & Photo StoriesJune 13, 2020 at 12:11 pm6.2KSHARESHundreds of Palestinian residents of the city of Yafa organised a protest on Tuesday against the Israeli demolition of a historic Islamic cemetery, Anadolu Agency reported.Protestors performed the Friday prayer and started a march condemning the Israeli decision to demolish the Islamic Al-Isaaf Cemetery located in the north of the city of Yafa.On Monday, Israeli bulldozers started the demolition of the cemetery in preparation for building a new Israeli housing project.The protestors gathered in the cemetery in an attempt to stop the demolition. The city council called the police who tried to guard the demolition, resulting in clashes with the protestors after Israeli police fired tear gas and used sound bombs against them.Sheikh Ekrema Sabri, the imam of Al-Aqsa Mosque, who is currently banned by the Israeli occupation from entering the holy site, delivered the Friday khotba.He conveyed that exhuming tombs is prevented in Islam in order to preserve the dignity of the those buried, stressing that the cemetery is a land of Islamic endowment and is owned by all Muslims.“We call on you to protect the cemeteries,” Sabri told the gathering, expressing that “defending cemeteries is defending lands, and defending the dead is defending a legitimate right.”Sabri shared his hope that the cemetery is protected by Allah, and not by a UN Security Council resolution or by the international community.Al-Isaaf Cemetery, which dates back to Ottoman times, includes hundreds of burials of Muslims who were laid there before the Israeli occupation of the city in 1948.

Sorgente: Massive protest against Israel demolition of Islamic cemetery in Yafa – Middle East Monitor

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