2 15 minuti 4 anni


Introductory summary of proposed conclusion.

Article published in ‘The Gaza Post’ in the French edition calling for an immunisation campaign by Convalescent Plasma treatment, and i would like to share it in each of English, French and Arabic. This basically is a social-biological strategy that goes beyond the bourgeois formal-thought in all matters including science, which treats each case alone and not as the organic collectivity of humanity and our eco-system. Here it is attached, together with the follow-up research links as well, in each language.



Dr. abraham Weizfeld

PhD UQÀM,  MA York U.,  BSc UdeW

[email protected]

514 284 66 42  Montréal

+970 56 953 8169 Nablus, Palestine


The Federation of Palestinian and Hebrew Nations



Nation,  Society  and the State :

the reconciliation  of  Palestinian and  Jewish Nationhood












Skype/Yahoo/Twitter/YouTube : eibieman


FaceBook : Abraham Weizfeld


 Healing and Protecting People Against Corona Virus

By Dr abraham Weizfeld BSc, MA, PhD


[ français, Arabia ]



The treatment against the CoronaVirus has not reached the state of providing a vaccine and such a vaccine is not expected to be developed until many months later or in a year’s time. While there are some medical procedures which may help patients to reinforce the immune system of the person, such as transfused Vitamin C, there is a general lack of anti-viral agents available. Cuba produces the anti-viral medication Interferon-Alpha-2b but it cannot be transported since it has a lifespan of only three days. This effective anti-viral is not generally produced in quantity in any other country and the pharmaceutical companies make it a very expensive commercial product. It has been used to eradicate the Hepatitis C viral infection and so has saved many lives – as is my case, having been transfused with contaminated blood during a surgical operation.

To be concerned for Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine one must consider that the full array of treatments are not generally available. However, the many people who have endured a CoronaVirus infection of Covid-19 and have overcome it, have antibodies in their blood produced by their strong immune systems. Their filtered blood (plasma) may now be transfused into patients to cure them of their infection, if they cannot overcome it on their own. Although it is already late into the pandemic, France and the Mount Sinai hospital in New York City have begun trials into this treatment

In addition, the blood plasma containing the antibodies could be transfused into those who have not yet become infected, to immunize them against the CoronaVirus – for those who are particularly at risk such as aged persons or those with a prior medical complication. That is an effective strategy to halt the pandemic.

This pandemic is of vital concern even though the number of people infected by the CoronaVirus is still minimal in the Palestinian territories. This particular virus is more dangerous than an ordinary flu infection because it is propagated by the air where the virus remains active, not only by the touch. Even the ordinary exchange of air face to face while talking could transfer this particular virus. Infected persons not wearing masks project their infection by coughing out small droplets of liquid that carry the virus. That is why it has been recommended for people to remain isolated in their family homes to avoid people already infected but who do not yet know that they are infected. During the first three days of infection, there are no symptoms that are shown, not even a fever.

In the West Bank there is a particular danger since the Palestinian workers coming back from their service and construction jobs in the ’48 territory of the Zionist State or the 40,000 working at Zionist colonies may very well be infected since they were in contact with many people in an economy where 8000 people are already infected. These workers are not being tested for infection by the Zionist authorities and even if they are showing symptoms, they are sent back to their families in any case, without any sense of responsibility.

The danger of the CoronaVirus infection in the Palestinian territories is of particular concern because of the existing medical conditions of so many who are frequent smokers of tobacco since this has already impaired their lungs and makes them open to further infection. Other health concerns may be taken into consideration to boost the immune system by drinking ginger tea with honey which are anti-viral and antibiotic substances. It is also advisable to absorb sunlight on the skin to let the body produce Vitamin C and D to bolster the immune system as well. In general, it is beneficial not to eat the meats of animals which may carry viral infections (as was the case in China) or bacteria when not well prepared. The necessary protein that we all need may be obtained by the eating of lentils, green peas, soybeans (falafel), yoghurt, cheese and milk, potatoes with the skin, the vegetables such as avocados, spinach, and the fruits such as apricots, bananas, oranges or almonds. Such a diet will build the body’s immune system.

The method for a strategic struggle against this Covid-19 infection is achieved by means of the transfusion of blood plasma derived from healthy volunteers who have overcome the virus. This may be accomplished with the existing medical infrastructure and does not require any additional costs or imported materials.

To be prepared is to be aware of and to overcome the approaching pandemic which is surrounding the Palestinian territories. The Palestinians confined to the refugee camps under the administration of UNWRA are at risk and live in even more dangerous conditions which require the political pressure to ensure their protection, as well.

The lesson to be acquired from this pandemic is that mutual aid is more important than finding a well-paying job. Money does not heal but knowledge does.


9-04-2020        https://www.nationalobserver.com/2020/04/09/news/cdn-researchers-study-whether-plasma-recovered-patients-can-treat-covid-19?utm_source=National+Observer&utm_campaign=86c80a47e4-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_04_09_12_24&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cacd0f141f-86c80a47e4-277000381&fbclid=IwAR3IUC2KiHnZVQbODbSRH-aDA-Wk8BRihqEmEzO9R0yoADBeJu8J8IrGz48













www.nytimes.com › 2020/04/24 › smarter-living › coron…


Apr 24, 2020 – Convalescent plasma is the term used for plasma that is removed from the … and transfusion services for the Mount Sinai Health System in New York. … That length of time varies, and each virus requires its own antibodies, …

Blood Plasma From Survivors Will Be Given to Coronavirus …

www.nytimes.com › 2020/03/26 › health › plasma-coron…


Mar 26, 2020 – But the treatment beginning in New York is experimental. … The part of the blood that contains antibodies, so-called convalescent plasma, has been used for … “The idea is to get to the right patients at the right time,” he said.

NC hospitals treat COVID-19 patients with plasma of survivors …

www.newsobserver.com › news › local › article242345691


6 days ago – More than 3,000 COVID-19 patients have been given convalescent plasma nationwide, according to the Mayo Clinic. The New York Times …

Convalescent plasma therapy showing promise … – PolitiFact

www.politifact.com › factchecks › apr › jamie-nadler


Claim: “Small trials” to test convalescent plasma therapy for coronavirus patients “seem to have had some degree of success.”

Claimed by: Jamie Nadler

Fact check by PolitiFact: True


Convalescent Plasma – Donor FAQ | New York Blood Center

nybloodcenter.org › covid-19-and-blood-donation-copy


What is the donation frequency and time period of donation for CP? CP donors can donate a total of 8 times over 3 months. Antibody titers may spontaneously …

The Race to Get Convalescent Plasma to Covid-19 Patients …

www.wired.com › story › the-race-to-get-convalescent-…


Apr 27, 2020 – “This is because New York had such an absurdly large number of cases. It’s not true in other parts of the country.” In normal times, these centers …

Plasma treatment offers hope in New York City, but it’s too …

www.marketwatch.com › story › plasma-treatment-offers-…


Apr 22, 2020 – Over the past two weeks, more than three dozen New York City hospitals … Separate clinical trials are also exploring if convalescent plasma could … gay men, lowering the amount of time since the last sexual encounter from a …

FDA opens door to emergency use of convalescent plasma …

endpts.com › fda-opens-door-to-emergency-use-of-cov…


One potential treatment for Covid-19, known as convalescent plasma, may be derived … Shortly after the briefing, the New York Times reported that the FDA was …

COVID-19 and Blood Donation | New York Blood Center

www.nybc.org › donate-blood › covid-19-and-blood-d…


The New York Blood Center Enterprises (NYBCe) is closely monitoring the outbreak … Thank you for your interest in convalescent plasma donation and JOINING … who are healthy and feeling well at the time of donation – and who meet other …

What plasma donations could mean for the … – ABC News

abcnews.go.com › story


Apr 18, 2020 – A New York family is pleading for COVID-19 survivors to donate … “At this time, we are building a public bank of CP (convalescent plasma) and …


Search Results

Web results



Treatment with convalescent plasma for COVID‐19 patients in …

onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs › jmv


Apr 15, 2020 – Treatment with convalescent plasma for COVID‐19 patients in Wuhan, China. Mingxiang Ye MD … In order to evaluate the efficacy of convalescent plasma therapy in COVID‐19 patients, we did this timely descriptive study.

by M Ye – ‎Cited by 6



Treatment of 5 Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 With …

jamanetwork.com › journals › jama › fullarticle


Mar 27, 2020 – This case series describes clinical outcomes in 5 Chinese patients with … Exposures Patients received transfusion with convalescent plasma …

by C Shen – ‎2020 – ‎Cited by 147



Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in … – PNAS

www.pnas.org › content


Apr 6, 2020 – Convalescent plasma (CP) therapy, a classic adaptive immunotherapy, has been applied to the prevention and treatment of many infectious …

by K Duan – ‎2020 – ‎Cited by 62



Coronavirus plasma treatment: early Chinese study results …

www.businessinsider.com › coronavirus-convalescent-p…


Mar 27, 2020 – The treatment, called convalescent plasma, is based on the fact that recovered patients have antibodies that can fight the coronavirus.



China puts 245 COVID-19 patients on convalescent plasma …

www.xinhuanet.com › english


Feb 28, 2020 – BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) — China has offered convalescent plasma therapy for 245 COVID-19 patients by Friday, and 91 cases have shown …



Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in … – NCBI

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pubmed


Apr 6, 2020 – (6)WuHan Jinyintan Hospital, 430023 Wuhan, China. (7)Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao …

by K Duan – ‎2020 – ‎Cited by 54



China Develops Convalescent Plasma Therapy for COVID-19 …

www.yicaiglobal.com › news › china-develops-convale…


(Yicai Global) Feb. 14 — China has developed convalescent plasma to treat patients who are infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the …



The feasibility of convalescent plasma therapy in severe …

www.medrxiv.org › content


Mar 23, 2020 – This study was funded by Key projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology China “Preparation of specific plasma and specific globulin from …

by K Duan – ‎2020 – ‎Cited by 12



Chinese scientists author article on effective COVID-19 …

www.china.org.cn › china › content_75929576


Apr 14, 2020 – Titled “Effectiveness of Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Severe COVID-19 Patients,” the article introduced the rationale, effects, and adverse …



Treatment with convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients in …

www.researchgate.net › publication › 340668586_Treatm…


Apr 19, 2020 – Download Citation | Treatment with convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, China | The discovery of severe acute respiratory …









Dr abraham Weizfeld  BSc, MA, PhD is a volunteer with the ‘Tanweer’ Palestinian Cultural Enlightenment Forum of Nablus, Palestine and also resides in Montréal, Québec, Canada. His 2018 work is published in; The Federation of Palestinian and Hebrew Nations < https://www.academia.edu/38380122/The_Federation_of_Palestinian_and_Hebrew_Nations >, as well as the documentary study Sabra and Shatila < https://www.academia.edu/5215221/Sabra_and_Shatila > .  He completed his doctoral Thesis in a critique of the Zionist Nation-State;

Nation,  Society  and the State: the reconciliation  of  Palestinian and  Jewish Nationhood




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2 commenti su “Healing and Protecting People Against Corona Virus

  1. Y is the USA.EU and UK not bothered,about the COVID deaths in their part of the world ?

    Could it be that they want it ? Who are the dead ? The dead are the pensioners, and the persons,who are fatally sick.dindooohindoo

    The gainer in every combo,is the West – which makes one wonder,how the COVID magically mutated in its new avatar.

    Posit No.1

    Assuming that these dead persons in the West,had a residual life of 15 years, and we can assume that,by August,2020,there will be around 600000 dead in the West.

    The pension to a pensioner,would not be less than 12,000 USD per annum, on an average,at the minimum.In addition, the medical and other social costs,on an aged pensioner,would be not less than another 8,000 USD per annum.

    If they die,then on 6,00,000 people,if the West saves 20,000 USD per annum, you net USD 12 Billion,PER ANNUM – which will be around 200-300 billion for 15 years

    One could argue that the US Fed just printed,the USD 12 Billion – but now it need not.The Youth in the west,had to work at high rates of tax and deductions – to finance the aged pension and health care benefits – which ultimately,led to outsourcing.

    The scam would be shocking,if the dead,had no insurance ! That would be telling ! If 6,00,000 are dead,with insurance and an average insurance claim,of USD 1,00,000 – then you have a bomb – to wipe out the insurers.

    If 10 million die – we are looking at net savings of USD 200 billion per annum and USD 3 Trillion over 15 years.This will also solve the health insurance problems in the US/EU,as the high claim insurers,will cease to exist – and thus lower the insurance costs,for the young,and the cost of labour in manufacturing.

    if the aggregate savings on pensions and medical costs are USD 100,000 per annum,then on 10 million dead,we have a saving of ISD 1 trillion per annum,as a perpetual annuity (which is the minimum target – I suspect) – as the strategem ,is to kill people,with co-morbidities – and these are the people,who are a burden on the medical and pension infrastructure.

    So the private LIFE insurers,take a 1 time HIT,in terms of claims paid out – and the state,gets a recurring benefit,in terms of pensions and health care costs – of which,some of the gains of the state,are passed back to the insurers,to offset the claim losses (and keep insurance rates low),and some of the gains to the state, are passed back to the residual young population,to reduce the rates of medical and life insurance.

    Posit No.2

    Large number of services and industries,in the west,will die out.That will release labour and reprice resources and rents – to drastically lower costs – and that will make,”Make in USA”,viable

    How will the state finance the loss of tax revenue and GDP.Ultimately,the state will have to demonetise the deposits, in banks, of the westerners.Simple ! The USA will not be able to demonetise the PRC holdings of US T-bills – not even if the PRC sinks a US aircraft carrier in the South China Sea.

    Posit No.3

    All the nations who borrowed loans from PRC – will now force the PRC to do debt write offs.That will be a huge loss to the PRC,after the manufacturing shift from PRC to West.Post COVID,If 200 million people are unemployed in PRC – then you have Tiananmen – Part 2 – and then a PRC attack,on the Indian weasels, and US satellite states,like Taiwan.and new stooges like Vietnam.

    Of Course,the PRC could also force the IMF,and the WB,to waive loans – but the harm to the PRC,will be done 1st.

    Posit No.4

    Trump postpones the US Polls,as people cannot stand in queues,and no electioneering,is possible – and he has the cure – and by September,the pensioners are dead – death rate and infections rates drops ….. who is the gainer ? If Trump is winning – Putin will stay calm – else,he might attack Eastern EU.If Trump is winning – then it will be the last chance for PRC to annex Taiwan and Vietnam – and make Trump lose face. But the odds of PRC action is medium.

    Posit No.5

    With massive unemployment in the West – the migrants will exit.Asians were made to clean toilets – that is their worth.They will exit.That will solve the migrants problem,rents and property rates will fall,labour will reprice,and the Westerners,will have to,start to work

    The West has to take a BIG PICTURE view.South East Asia and Indian and Nepal ,are over populated,and there is no humanity there.There is no sentience,in the “so called humans”.They are robots – and 80% of them,have to die.Their time is over – they are obsolete, a dead weight,and a burden on earth.This will de-price the resources sector,lower demand,and solve the environment problem,forever.

    Africans have been exploited,for at least ,2000 years – and they deserve,many more chances.

    There are 3 simple steps

    Are the “so-called humans” – having a “sentience” – to be assessed based on their “individual and collective actions”
    If not,then they are “robots”
    It is time to “terminate the robots”

    It is the moral and ethical solution.They are redundant and obsolete,and there is no purpose served,by their existence.Nations in Asia,will not be able to feed or employ these worms,and that will cause strife.hate,violence, genocide,jingoism and the rise of right wing =,demagogic demonic dictators – and then, catacylysmic wars – which will ultimately,harm the West.Anywhich way,the robots will be purged – Virus is better than nukes – for the bots,and the environment.

    The COVID antibodies,will ultimately reside in 7 billion people,and those,are the receptors,of the next,”terminal bio-weapon” wnich will hook on those humans, and then based on a mix of the DNA,Genes,latitudes and morbidities – terimate the robots.

    It is all evolution.

  2. As I said in Posit 4 of MY post above


    Trump WILL POSTPONE .It is 100%.dindooohindoo

    I had stated in the 1st 3 lines of the posit

    “Trump postpones the US Polls,as people cannot stand in queues,and no electioneering,is possible – and he has the cure – and by September,the pensioners are dead – death rate and infections rates drops ….. who is the gainer ?”

    I expect sky rocketing death rates and daily cases !

    I expect a Bio Terror hit on US Soil in the last 2 months of this calendar.Only Bio Terror – all else is obsolete

    I expect a disaster in the South China Sea – INVOLVING the the PLN and the US Navy

    And a disaster in West Asia – Saudia/Persia/Yenen/Syria and Israel

    All these will hit US assets and all will be false flags.

    It is as certain and inevitable , as the Sun Set. (not the Sun rise)
