1 2 minuti 5 anni

Un maxi-incendio ha interessato almeno cinque edifici nella zona vecchia della capitale delBangladesh,Dacca (ANSA)

E’ salito ad almeno 78 vittime e decine di feriti il bilancio dell’incendio che ha colpito un distretto storico della capitale del Bangladesh, Dacca. Lo riferisce la Bbc, secondo la quale le fiamme si sono propagate in un edificio residenziale dove c’era un deposito di sostanze chimiche infiammabili. Da lì l’incendio è passato rapidamente agli edifici vicini.

Tra le vittime, ci sarebbero anche le partecipanti a una festa di addio al nubilato e gli avventori di un ristorante. I vigili del fuoco hanno faticato a spegnere l’incendio, ostacolati dalle strette viuzze e dalla mancanza di fonti d’acqua.

Molte delle persone sono rimaste intrappolate nei palazzi, come riferiscono fonti ufficiali locali che parlando di una “situazione davvero difficile”.

L’area in cui si sono sprigionate le fiamme è caratterizzata dalla presenza di numerosi edifici, l’uno accanto all’altro, separati da vicoli stretti.

Sorgente: Maxi-incendio in Bangladesh, 78 morti – Mondo – ANSA.it

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Un commento su “Maxi-incendio in Bangladesh, 78 morti – Mondo – ANSA.it

  1. The Grand Plan for Greater Bangla-desh !

    The beauty of Bangladesh,is that,unlike Pakistan,it does not have Afghanistan and Persia,as neighbours – so it is NOT a proxy battleground,for superpowers.

    Its borders with India are an ADVANTAGE,as the North East,is the weakest link in the Indian Military defense and economic deveiopment,and the North East Indians,DO NOT have Indian DNA.dindooohindoo

    PLA sponsored freedom struggles,in the North East,can be operated from Myanmar and Bangladesh, with complete deniability,and strategic ambiguity.

    With the Chinese Hydel dam on the Brahmaputra,Bangladesh can be flooded with power at less than 1 cent/kwh – and that will doom all manufacturing in North East India and the Export manufacturing of East India.

    This destruction will bring out the stark disparities between North East India and the Bangla race,across the border,in education,inflation,infra,health care etc. – and will start an insurgency in the North East – for secession from India.

    With the Hydro and Renewable Power from China and Dhaka,and raw materials imported via Chittagong – North East India as a SOVERIGN NATION ,will enjoy LDC status,for exports to the US/EU – besides bringing an inflow,of US/EU Tourists,via the Bangkok-Dhaka Leg and PRC.

    In addition,higher cost manufacturing,can migrate from Dhaka to North East India (as a soverign nation) and thus,qualify FOR LDC status (as the Bangla will lose the LDC status)

    A simple Statistic – if Made in Bangla items flood North East India – the cost of living in North East India will fall by 50%,and all farmers and residences in North East India,can be supplied free power,for at least 50 years,from the Hydel power in PRC,and Renewable and Gas power in Bangla.The writing is on the wall !

    The Impotent Indian Military CANNOT defend North East India and the Indian cannot develop North East India – as there is no Infra in the North East. Everything moves from Kolkata.It is time to liberate North East India – and it is also time for the Bangla race to populate the North East states

    The Indian BSF is a race of corrupt and impotent cowards – and the BDR can easily provide cover for Bangla and North East Freedom Fighters !

    The People of West Bengal have to see the writing on the wall.They have a port at the tip of the Bay of Bengal.It is time to secede from India.The People of West Bengal are not with Indian DNA

    What does the Hindoo shastra think of Easterners ?

    The Hindoo scriptures think of “Easterners”, as devil worshippers and the lowest of the low, and as “Easterners follow the practices of the Shudras”- as stated below

    The Mahabharata,Book 8:Karna Parva,Section 45

    The Pancalas observe the duties enjoined in the Vedas ……. the Easterners follow the practices of the Shudras;

    With the formation of Greater Bangladesh and Soverign United States of North East,and a new race in Dhaka who were born a decade after 1971 – you will have a natural integration with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – Inshallah
    It is as inevitable as the Sunrise !